

Safety regulations in boiler operation are an important factor to increase the legality of businesses in using equipment with strict requirements on labor safety. At the same time, reduce costs, increase labor productivity and production efficiency for businesses.

A boiler is not merely a water heating device but a complex system. Therefore, the use and operation of boilers must strictly adhere to specific regulations regarding occupational safety. In this article, let's explore in detail the safety regulations issued for boiler operation with Thuận Hải.

1. Overview of boilers

A boiler is a device used to burn fuel, thereby boiling water to form saturated steam or superheated steam, providing for industrial or civil activities such as operating turbines, generators, washing equipment, weaving, drying, dyeing, laundry in power generation, textile, sugar, alcohol, beverage, chemical factories... 

Boilers are equipment with strict safety requirements according to legal regulations, therefore manufacturing and operating units must ensure strict compliance with regulations and standards on design, manufacturing, and installation. installation, operation and fuel supply.


2. Causes of insecurity

Below are the causes of unsafety when operating a boiler. Good control will minimize the risks:

Pressure explosion (physical explosion)

This is a situation caused by the boiler being manufactured with structures and materials of poor quality. The calculated figures are not accurate. During operation, the furnace was not periodically inspected for unusual activity. Besides, boiler water depletion is also a serious cause. A steam generating tube element has overheated or is dry. When water is supplied, the pipe is suddenly cooled and will be subjected to huge thermal stresses, causing serious damage, even causing the pipe to explode. Some are caused by collision or contact with high-temperature equipment parts.


Heat plays a central role in determining the boiler's operation. But if the temperature inside the oven exceeds a safe level, overheating occurs. The superheater overheats and explodes. Overheating can occur when pipes are clogged, superheaters are overheated, or local smoke flow is deflected (for thermal power plants and cogeneration plants).


When the furnace leaks steam through the lock valves, safety valves, the water tube breaks, burning coal splashes through the furnace door... making it unsafe for the operator.

Electric shock

If the accompanying electrical equipment is not installed properly, it will lead to electric leakage.

Dangerous and harmful substances: The workshop and boiler operating area are not well-ventilated, leading to high workshop temperatures, lots of dust and toxic gas vapors (CO2, CO,...) accumulating. capacitor.

Legal basis

Legal basis of boiler operating safety regulations:

Decision 64/2008/QD-BLDTBXH promulgating national technical regulations on labor safety for boilers and pressure vessels.
Circular 27/2013/TT-BLDTBXH regulating labor safety and hygiene training.

3. What do boiler operation safety regulations include?

Article 1: Equipment must be manufactured and installed according to safety technical standards. Before being put into use, it must be inspected and registered according to regulations. The employer must assign responsibility for equipment management to the equipment manager in writing.

Article 2: Equipment operation is only assigned to people who are 18 years of age or older, are in good health and have been trained and tested to meet the requirements of professional knowledge and technical procedures in operational safety. pressure equipment. This regulation must be assigned in writing by the employer.

Article 3: The management of fixed or mobile boilers must be assigned by the employer to a person with professional qualifications and practical experience who has been approved in writing by the unit's technical council.

Article 4:

The management of the boiler and its auxiliary equipment is in accordance with the requirements specified in the State regulation "Qpvn 23-81".

Article 5: Maintain and implement maintenance, operation, repair and concept regimes in accordance with technical procedures.

Article 6:

The boiler must have all safety equipment including:

  • Safety valve: Safety valve must be inspected and sealed annually by a competent authority. The valve is installed correctly according to the design. It is strictly forbidden to install a lock valve on a steam pipe with a safety valve installed. It is not allowed to reduce the vent area of ​​the safety valve. This means that the steam outlet of the safety valve and exhaust valve must be placed in a position that is not dangerous to people and equipment. It is strictly forbidden for boiler users to calibrate or change valve operating parameters.
    Pressure gauge: Each device must have a pressure gauge installed in an easy-to-observe location to avoid collisions and be inspected annually.
  • Water tube set: Includes dark water tube, light water tube and valves to check the water level in the boiler. The light tube is protected against impact. On the water tube, the highest water level and lowest water level must be drawn according to the manufacturer's regulations.  In addition, there must be a regime to periodically check the water level electrodes installed inside the dark tube to ensure good operation.
  • Water supply pump: The water supply pump must have enough capacity, pressure and appropriate flow to supply water to the boiler during work, avoiding water shortage leading to overheating of the boiler, causing deformation of the boiler. , furnace explosion (very high risk of explosion). The pump's electrical system must be protected against electric leakage and electric shock.
  • Pressure relay: Relay to control the pressure of the boiler, the pressure is always within the allowable range. The pressure relay is installed in a suitable location, resistant to deformation and must be checked periodically.
  • Bottom drain valve: Drains water and sediment inside the water tank. The process of draining water and scale is carried out when the boiler is operating at working pressure. When blowdown of the boiler, you must pay attention to the water level to avoid water residue that can lead to problems.
    Steam release valve: Installed on the pipe connected to the furnace's steam bore, used to release steam during furnace combustion and troubleshooting. The steam exhaust pipe must be taken to an area outside the factory to ensure safety


Article 7: The boiler house is well ventilated and drained, with enough space for people to work, operate and clean equipment. 

Article 8:

Before operating the boiler, staff must fully check the safety mechanisms, pressure gauges, electrical system and condition of the valves installed on the boiler.

Article 9:

Clean the pressure gauge glass and glass tube daily to easily monitor the water level and furnace pressure. Pressure gauges and water pipes must have lines indicating the water level and allowable steam pressure.

Article 10:

When operating the boiler, there must always be someone directly present to operate it, regularly check the operating status of the boiler and exhaust valve; Operation measure and checking instruments: safety valve, and pressure gauge. Operate the boiler by the unit's operating procedures, and record the inspection date in the boiler operation log book.

Article 11:

Boiler operators are not allowed to do private work or work unrelated to their responsibilities. Workers are not allowed to leave arbitrarily to another place while operating the boiler.

Article 12:

After finishing work, tools must be neatly placed in the designated place. The area around the furnace must always be neat and unobstructed for workers during operations, ensuring safety in the working area.

Article 13:

When cleaning and repairing the boiler, you must wait for the boiler to cool completely. Then open all the ventilation doors to let people in to work.

Article 14:

For oil-burning boilers, the pipes must be tight to prevent leakage. If oil is spilled, it must be cleaned immediately. Steam and hot water pipes must be covered and insulated.

Article 15:

Flammable materials such as gasoline and oil must be kept at least 10m away from the boiler. During work, do not let the oven run out of water. Special note: It is forbidden to pump water into the boiler while it is burning.

Article 16:

At the end of the shift, personnel must log and hand over the safety status of the boiler to the next shift.

Article 17:

Boilers that have not been registered, boilers that do not have enough measuring and testing tools, lack or have no safety structure, or that have not been inspected and have measurement and testing tools and safety structures are not allowed. put into operation.

Article 18:

It is forbidden to weld or repair boilers and pressure-bearing parts of equipment while under pressure, specifically:
The boiler comes into operation when the safety valve has not been properly calibrated and sealed, the pressure gauge does not work correctly, the needle is missing and the glass surface is broken.
The boiler exceeds the technical specifications that the safety technical inspection agency has allowed for the equipment.

Article 19:

Coal-fired boilers must immediately suspend use in the following cases:

  • When safety mechanisms are not perfect.
  • The pressure in the boiler increases beyond the allowable level even though other requirements specified in the equipment operating procedures are met.
  • When it is discovered that the main pressure-bearing parts of the furnace have cracks, bulges, significant rust, water in joints, welds, leaks, torn gaskets, etc.

The manometer is damaged and it is not possible to determine the pressure in the furnace with any other instrument. And other cases as prescribed in the unit's operating procedures.

Operating as an ESCO, Thuan Hai provides professional investment and operation services for boiler systems, thermal oil furnaces, thermal furnaces, garbage incinerators, etc. for factories of many groups. different industries. With extensive experience in boiler management and operation, Thuan Hai provides customers with optimal solutions for production, maintenance and servicing processes.


Thuan Hai applies modern technology, sets up 100% automated operations, monitors operations 24/24 through the PLC-SCADA system, quickly detects and promptly handles arising problems. In addition, a highly qualified, experienced technical team with a dedicated working attitude, professionally trained and certified in boiler operation will bring outstanding operational efficiency to customers. row.

Contact us via hotline 0395697989 for detailed consulting support on installation, operation and management of industrial boiler systems.

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